We covered the first half of the book (§1-19 & §23) as part of a university special topics course.
The reading schedule and exercises can be seen on the course website.
Meeting date |
Reading |
Feb. 16, 2019 |
- HPFP §20: Foldable
Consider writing
Foldable for data Tree a = Leaf | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) .
What happens if you change the order the elements are mappend ed in?
Mar. 2, 2019 |
Mar. 30, 2019 |
Apr. 13, 2019 |
Apr. 27, 2019 |
- HPFP §25: Composing Types
- HPFP §26: Monad Transformers
May 11, 2019 |
- Gabriel Gonzales, Program Imperatively using Haskell Lenses
- Aditya Bhargava, Lenses in Pictures
- Russell Matney, Haskell Lens Operator Onboarding
- Joseph Abrahamson, A Little Lens Starter Tutorial
- Artyom Kazak, lens over tea #1: lenses 101, traversals 101, and some implementation details
- Edward Kmett, Lenses, Folds, and Traversals
Lists: (oddly, related to codata!)
The amb Operator:
Halloween: (very optional)